Saturday, April 28, 2012

GOMC 2012

Ha...finally got back home at 5 30 pm after a long day starting at 5 30 am...But we came home with a “Cash Prize” which made our day. There were 12 teams which were scheduled to present 3 in a slot. The first team “ Honey Badgers” opened the show with their amazing presentation of clearly explaining how they tracked their conversions and results. Their client made an impressive statement about the team’s work which made the entire team feel proud of their contribution to the non-profit organization. Judges were impressed, audience were happy and my heart was beating faster. Next came our “desi” team whose client was our very own desi restaurant Kababeque located at University Blvd. The team’s result inspite of many hurdles like – management change on the client side was applaud able. They handled the Q&A really well and now my heart was in my mouth. What is going to happen to us ?! How are we going to justify our results ?! I kept instructing my co-team members to prepare for all possible questions. Six teams finished their presentations and it was lunch break. I grabbed something quick and gobbled down my throat and ran to have a practice of the presentation with my team members. Two of them had gone to take printouts of the slides. Fumbled a bit, missed out some points and stammered at places – during my practice session. Oh What am I going to do during the presentation. The clocked ticked 12 50 pm and our presentation was scheduled at 1: 00 pm. We ran to the presentation hall. But where are the two guys who went to take the print outs? It was 12 55 pm ..still they hadn’t turned up. Just two minutes before the presentation they came running into the hall with panting for breath. The show started. I introduced my client..spoke about our objective we formulated the strategy ..then handed it over to my co-presenter. I could see  the judges smiling..ha..there was a sigh of relief on my face...We handled the Q&A also pretty well and went back to our seats..Five more teams presented and now it was the time for results. The judges were impressed with our batch’s performance and described about the winning teams before they gave away the prizes. Some comments and some description felt very similar to our presentation... I exchanged looks with my team members..”Are they talking about us?”..And when they called our team”Big Red” we were astonished and went running to the dice to receive the prize..My entire team was on cloud nine and we realized..”Hardwork always pays”..      

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