Sunday, April 22, 2012

Homework Assignment 6

It was a very interesting and a stress-buster assignment ...!!Haven't done anything like this for the past 10 years ( after my 8th grade drawing classes).. I guess everyone will accept my statement. When the assignment was announced I sat down with a pen and paper to list down my thoughts and ideas about it. Scribbled a lot..Crossed out ideas..tore the paper..!! Finally came up with two ideas – Creating a Facebook page for my resume and a BI dashboard. I wanted it to be both interactive and static. That is the reason why I had decided to do 2 resumes.

My facebook page has a cover photo of my BI dashboard and list downs my skills,achievements and degrees in a timeline format( Thanks to FB for introducing “Timeline”..made my work a little easy!!)
Here is a snapshot of my facebook page:

Drill down view of BI dashboard:
And here is the link to the dashboard

Really enjoyed doing this assignment..!

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