Thursday, March 15, 2012


This blog is all about the various kinds of keywords that can be made use in Google Adwords.

 Exact Keywords : These keywords are mentioned within square brackets. Your adword will pop up only if the searcher’s keywords exactly match with yours. Your ad wouldn’t pop up even if there is a change in the order of the words.

 Phrase Keywords : These are keywords are mentioned within quotation marks. If these keywords match with the user’s keywords in the exact same order then your ad might pop up. For example if your keyword is “story book” and the user types “alice in wonderland story book”, then your ad will pop up.

 Broad Match keywords : These are keywords which might allow your adword to pop-up even if there are slight variations(with respect to your keyword) in the keyword searched by the user. For example if someone is searching for “books in Tucson” and you have set “notebooks” as your broad match keyword for your adword , even then your ad would pop up. And this is the default option provided by google adword.

 Negative keywords : These keywords are used to drive irrelevant traffic out of the website. So these keywords are usually tagged with ‘-used’. 

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