Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Longtail keywords and definitions for Google ad words

Deciding on keywords is the most time consuming part of the Google adword marketing challenge. You need to think from the searchers perspective – a lot of mental work is involved. I’m pretty sure that “Long tail” keywords originated from the concept of long-tail – finding a market for obscure product. These keywords are usually 3 to 5 words long are rarely been used. But we need to flip the coin and look at the advantageous part of it. These keywords come for a lesser CPC. So you can more audience by having more number of long tail keywords. This is another marketing strategy..!
Example of some long tail keywords are: “ information security courses in Arizona”
There are a couple of terms that we would have to analyze in order to check the effectiveness of our adword. Following are a couple of them:

Avg CPC(Cost per Click): This is a simple average operation performed on the total no of clicks that your ad has received.
Total actual CPC / No of clicks

Actual CPC : The cost that you pay for each click on your ad and it can be lesser than  the maximum bid that you have set for the keyword. You will be charged only the amount will allow you to beat the adrank of your adword.

CTR – Click through Rate : This is a ratio of no of clicks to the number of impressions that your ad makes on the search result page. It is very important in deciding how well you have chosen the keywords and how effective is your bidding strategy

Impressions: Every time your ad shows up on the search result page it is counted as one impression.

Quality score: Every adword has a quality score which is determined by the potential of your keyword to trigger your adword.

Adrank: This is the value assigned to your adword based on quality score. Your adrank determines the ad position.

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